29 - 03 - 2025


862 Clinical chemistry and clinical toxicology devices 臨床化學及臨床毒理學
864 Hematology and pathology devices 血液學及病理學
866 Immunology and microbiology devices 免疫學及微生物學
868 Anesthesiology devices 麻醉學
870 Cardiovascular devices 心臟血管醫學
872 Dental devices 牙科學
874 Ear, nose, and throat devices 耳鼻喉科學
876 Gastroenterology-urology devices 胃腸病科學及泌尿科學
878 General and plastic surgery devices 一般及整形外科手術
880 General hospital and personal use devices 一般醫院及個人使用裝置
882 Neurological devices 神經科學
884 Obstetrical and gynecological devices 婦產科學
886 Ophthalmic devices 眼科學
888 Orthopedic devices 骨科學
890 Physical medicine devices 物理醫學科學
892 Radiology devices 放射學科學